Saturday, December 12, 5:30 p.m. Hosts: Rick & Lin Grunbaum
Meine wunderbare Familie,
I must tell you that our celebration of the Austrian Independence Day was a genuine joy. As you know, we met for dinner at the Italian Club. They have a nice restaurant and meeting space, and the meal was both delicious and generous. The natives were outgoing and friendly, the price reasonable and the setting was elegant. Our small gathering was intimate and fun. It has a number of us recalling a history of wonderful Stammtisch gatherings, and wondering if there could be more in our future.
I hope you have your calendars marked for our annual Weihnachtsfeier, Saturday, December 12, at 5:30 p.m. Once again, St. Nikolaus is making a special visit to our celebration and will time his appearance to about 6:30 p.m. As always, Krampus will be in tow and St. Nikolaus will reveal the naughty and the nice about our precious children.
Following this emotional trial, we'll have our typically sumptuous Christmas feast, crowned by Chef Heinz Prasts's venison ragout. There will be plenty of Glühwein on hand, along with all the regular libations. All you need to add are your authentic Austrian delicacies: appetizers, salads, side-dishes and most importantly, desserts! (Apfelstrudl, anyone?)
As usual following the meal, we will have a Christmas program and we need performers: musicians and readers. Lin is in charge of the program, so please give her a call if you or your kids can participate. Kathy Knappitsch will once again be our accompanist extraordinaire.
Finally, topping off this whole event will be all the fabulous desserts, along with coffee (and maybe a little Schnapps).
Having you in our home for the Weihnachtsfeier is one of the highlights of our year. We look forward to seeing you and greeting you with a big warm hug!
Alles Liebe,
P.S. - Be sure to RSVP and let Heidi know what dish you will bring.