Saturday, August 17, 3:00 p.m.
Hosts: Leo & Elizabeth Steinberger
Gruss Euch Alle, meine Lieben!
The weather gods were with us at the Boeck's Pool Party! It was
absolutely delightful, with far cooler weather than we could have hoped
for in Texas at the end of July! The brisket was wonderful, and all the
side dishes were especially good; the resultant conversations were
expansive, and the libations didn't hinder. Despite the fact that July is
high vacation season, and lots of people were out of pocket, the turnout
was great. Thanks to the Boeck's for being marvelous hosts, as usual!
Déjà vu - now it's 105˚! Time for another swim on the cool side. We
will have our first event at the home of Leo & Elizabeth Steinberger on
Saturday, August 17, at 3:00 p.m. Leo will grill sausages, the club will
provide drinks, and you all will provide your usual dishes, a la
Austria! Please be sure to let Heidi know whether or not you are
coming, and what you are bringing. As always, help with setup and
cleanup is needed.
Auf baldiges wiedersehen,