Saturday, August 16, 2014, 4:00 p.m. at the home of Leo & Elizabeth Steinberger
Liebe Mitglieder,
I assume that everyone is back from their glorious vacations - we went to Monument Valley and Grand Canyon (unbelievable!). I'm sure you are all ready to hear familiar Austrian voices, and eat some scrumptious Austrian cuisine.
We have the opportunity to spend a lovely afternoon at the refreshing pool of hosts Leo and Elizabeth Steinberger, where we can all share stories of our summer vacations, and eat delicious Wurstel! As always, please let Heidi know you are coming, and what delectable (Austrian-sized) morsels you will bring. Call her to RSVP.
We cannot end this message without mentioning the fantastic Schnitzelfest and Pool Party. It seems that every time we have this event, it gets better and better. The Wiener Schnitzel, created by our own chef, Heinz Prast, with the able assistance of Thomas Hiesberger, won great kudos from all who were present. Despite the incredible heat, Heinz and Thomas transformed our humble back yard into a five-star eatery, and the food you all brought complemented their work beautifully. This was one of those perfect events, and we feel fortunate that we were able host it.
Auf baldiges Wiedersehen,